Friday the 12th, Zach decided we would go snowboarding for Valentines Day!!! I was sooo excited!!!! We got ready, dropped off the girls at Nana and Pops and headed to Sunrise!!!I wasn't feeling to great but I wasn't going to let an upset stomach ruin our day!!! Our second run down the mountain I crashed, which isn't unusual for me, but this time it hurt!!!! Zach rode up, I told him I was OK and that I could shake it off, well I couldn't, I couldn't even move it!!! Zach took off my board and carried everything the mere 100 yards to the lodge, while I carried my arm. Well he took me to his cousins chiropractic office where Chris x-rayed it and confirmed it was broken. Chris then sent us to the Blue Ridge Walk-In clinic to have it casted. Well after 2 shots of pain killer and 4 more x-rays, the good doctor informed me he was sending me to an orthopedic surgeon!!! I told Zach I thought he was pulling my leg!!! Zach said he thinks doctors don't do that very much!!! After another doctor visit, more x-rays and a ct scan, I now know I HAVE to have surgery, its just a matter of if they can pin it back together, or if I get a new elbow!!! Monday, hopefully, I find out whats happening!!! This is a picture of me elbow last night. Tera was sooo excited I didn't have a huge splint and sling on anymore!!! She even helped Zach rub lotion on my arm!!! Then she started crying when Zach started wrapping it back up!!! There is a pretty awesome dent where my elbow should be, I think it kind of grossed Zach out!!! Well anyways, hopefully in a couple months I can be typing with both hands, change Tera's diapers, bathe and dress myself, open lids, take care of my own kids and myself and not have to hear my parents fight over changing the poopy diaper instead of putting my hair in a pony tail!!! Thanks Dad, Mom, Brigette, Tera, Mark, Mitzi, Jessica, Tiffany, Alicia, Cat, Levi, Macy, Jackie, Diana, Gina, Aunt Janet and everyone else I forgot, for all your help!!! And of course, thanks Zach, I love you (Mr. Mom!!) xoxxo!!! 

We weren't fighting, Dad just really wanted to put your hair in a pony tail, he says I always get the fun jobs! We love you, and are sorry you have to go through all this, something good will come of it in the end, It AlWaYs DOES!:)
Mom & Dad
As you can tell by the above comment this is her mom posting not Kourtney!
good grief!! sean just broke his hand playing church ball and thats the same thing the doctor told him... surgery. he had to get 2 pins to pin it back too. hope it all goes well and you are back to your mamma self :)
You forgot to mention that when Zach told me about you braking it he said you just fwell in the parking lot and I believed him...cuz you are always falling down! JK! I love you and hope you get better quick!
oh kourt-ni! i'm so sad for your L bone! hehe... but seriously, i am. i was only laughing at my L bone joke because i think i'm funny or something. weird, i know.
Oh geez!! I hope tomorrow's news is good. Keep us posted!!!!!
Oh how horrible. I can't even imagine. Good luck with everything and I hope it gets better soon.
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