Sunday, December 28, 2008

What happens at Jessica's...

Well we were having an awesome time at Jessica's, hanging out, hogging Hayden and Tanners Nintendo DS's. When Briggie announces that she has to go tinkle... No big deal, we do it everyday, all day long, so Ash takes her. Mason follows and Brigette goes tinkle. Ashley comes back before Brigette and Mason... I of course, don't pay attention, I'm playing Nintendo!!!! Brigette comes back, walking kinda funny. So I tell her come over so I can fix her cute little Minnie Mouse Panties! Well, come to find out, she didn't succeed in getting everything in the potty!!! So her panties are full of... you guessed it...SICK!!! So I grab her to take her to the bathroom to clean her up, and sitting on Jessica's coffee table is my delicious... Braq's RED cream soda, and Brigette...knocks it on the floor!! ARGH!!! RED SODA ON JESSICA'S WHITE'ish CARPET!!!!! So Jessica being my awesome big sister, cleans up the soda while I get to clean up my dirty kid!!! So I don't need to go into detail about how or why Brigette stuck her hands in her pants, or how some little turds got in Jessica's living room (and yes, how Jessica, picked them up, barehanded, before she knew what is was...)

Anyways, my long story ends with Brigette wearing these back to my parents house...
Awesome Brontosaurus undies, Thanks Mason!!!

Monday, December 22, 2008

4 Years

I know I should've done this on last Thursday, but I am a slacker!! So as of the 18th, Zach and I have been married for 4 years! It has gone by so fast. I love being married to my best friend. We have so much fun together and he is so great to me. Because of Zach I have one awesome little girl, and another one soon to be here! He is such a great husband and father!So just a little history, we met on a blind date. Beau had set me up on a date with his friend, Josh. Overall it was a pretty great date, we doubled, with Zach and Desi. Everything worked out great for us!! We met April 10, and went on our first date (with each other) on April 11!
Since then I have spent the last four years being Zach's wife. I love him so much! And love him more everyday!

I am so happy that I get to spend the rest of my life and all of forever with him!

Happy 4 years together Zach, I love you forever and ever!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Another Reason Zach LOVES his job...

Bottom of the Grand Canyon
Zach working hard!

Still up in the air

This past week we had some awesome winter snow. The APS crew here covers the Grand Canyon too, so when the power went out at the bottom, the crew got to hike down, stay the night, and then mules carried them back out. It was about a four hour hike for the guys. Today they got to fly back in a helicopter that dropped them off at the bottom to fix the temporary job that they had done 2 nights before. They couldn't fly in on Wednesday because the weather was too bad. This is the article that appeared in the APS news letter.

No outage too small, no weather condition too daunting for Williams crewDecember 19, 2008 You think you’ll do something a little different for your vacation. You want an experience that’s a little rustic so you head to Phantom Ranch at the bottom of the Grand Canyon.
However, you’re not expecting two winter storms to reach down in the canyon while you’re there and leave you without power. That’s a little too rustic.
That was, however, the situation earlier this week for Phantom Ranch’s 38 guests as well as its staff. The outage resulting from the first storm was such that Don Keil, Local Representative, Williams Operations/Maintenance, was able to close the affected recloser and get back in service the line feeding the ranch.
The second storm also produced an outage, but it would take more than closing a recloser to get the power back up for our customer. A section of the overhead line had fallen off an insulator and was touching the guy wire — shorting out the line.
Getting to the line to make repairs would be no easy feat as the line descends from the rim of the canyon to the canyon floor, feeding the ranch and other area residents, including the residence of a Nation Park Service employee.
In good weather, the repairs could be done remotely using a helicopter. Wednesday’s weather, however, was not good and there were ranch guests who were roughing it without power.
The latter was an important point for Mike Monroe, Crew Foreman, Williams Construction, “Those people spent a lot of money to have a memorable vacation. We didn’t want them to go home and complain about how lousy their trip was because we didn't get the power back on.”
With Keil coordinating the arrangements between the ranch’s operator and the National Park Service, Monroe and his crew — Zach Butler, Apprentice, and Will Ward, Journeyman Lineman — hiked in the snow (on the rim of the canyon) and the rain (further into the canyon) down the canyon to Indian Gardens. They carried with them the equipment and tools necessary to make temporary repairs.
Butler, Monroe and Ward after their return from their trip to the bottom of the Grand Canyon Prior to their arrival, the Park Service employee living in the vicinity located the down line and guided the crew on the two-mile hike to the trouble spot.
Rob Jorissen, Journeyman Lineman, Williams Construction, stayed on the canyon’s rim with Keil. They monitored the crew’s work and verified the temporary repair had restored power to the affected area.
Once the work was complete, it was too late and too dark for the crew to hike out of the canyon. So the Park Service employee let the crew bunk with him for the night.
Thursday morning, the Park Service sent mules to bring Butler, Monroe and Ward out of the canyon. With the improved weather forecast for Saturday, permanent repairs will be made using a helicopter. “The guys did a great job in less than ideal conditions,” said Kent Jones, Area Manager, Williams Operations/Maintenance. “We received really good feedback from the folks at Phantom Ranch.”
Mike McElmury, Director, Northern Arizona Delivery, echoed Jones’s sentiment, “The Williams team, coupled with Don Keil, are simply amazing. I think if they were asked, they would simply say its part of their job, but I have to tell you, these guys don't shy away from difficult tasks.
“The Xanterra (Phantom Ranch’s management company) and National Park Service employees and 30 plus visitors who were in the canyon that night were very appreciative of our guys' efforts because it would have been a cold, dark night without them.”

Monday, December 15, 2008


This is what happens when you fill your sock full of M&M's, then wear it around for a while, yuck.

Just a few more to share...

In November I posted about Brigette's odd sleeping habits, well I just thought that I would share a few more recent ones... At Safeway here they have baskets with little cars on the front, Brigette loves to drive them while we shop, I on the other hand, HATE them!!! They are so hard to push!! But if I can get through all my shopping trips like this, they may not be so bad!!! (Beau said she was a hazard on the road!!)
AHH!! The famous bakers outfit, she has even worn this to the movie theatre!!

Upside-down asleep in the rocking chair. (after a little while her head fell down off the chair, she was pretty disoriented, but it was pretty funny!!!)

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Ouchy Ouch!!

I was putting laundry away in Brigette's room when she comes in and tells me "ouchy, ouch" I guess I need to watch her better...

She wasn't very happy that I had to take a picture before i peeled over 20 stickers off her face, hair, neck, and legs!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Joe & Sara

On Friday, December 5th I was able to go to the Snowflake Temple with Joe and Sara to get their endowments. It was such an awesome day and I am so grateful that I got to be there on their special day. My parents also got to be there so it was really special and fun! I got to be Sara's escort, along with her sister Stacy. It was really neat because I have never got to do that before, and being able to do it for Sara was really awesome.

I just want Joe and Sara to know how much I love them. I am so grateful that Sara and I have been such good friends for such a long time! She is more like a sister to me than a friend.

I am so excited for them to go and get sealed in January, but sad that most likely I wont be able to be there!! Dang them having to do it in Mesa, right at my due date!!! That's alright though, I'm just happy they get to go. I'm so proud of them for working so hard and for so long for this!!

(Please ignore my huge stomach!!!) Just wanted to say thanks guys for letting me be part of your day, thanks for being such great friends! I love you!!!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


On Friday after Thanksgiving my dad got Doc and Lady out to get in the cows. Of course Brigette had to ride and followed my dad around everywhere. Since I am huge pregnant my dad being protective wouldn't let me ride (I think he was afraid the horses knees would buckle from my weight;) I think I was in the bathroom (go figure) when these were taken so Brad my big, bad, awesome brother e-mailed me these!

Brigette & Papa, doing what they love most!!

Riding Bareback (notice the 8 second pose, one arm in the air??!!)

This is the first time I have ever seen Zach on a horse!!! (don't mind the hair, he claims he is growing it out until Tera is born, I pretend like I don't care, YiKeS!!)
The whole time Brigette was riding she was yelling "Yeehaw, ride 'em horsey cow!" (I have no idea??) That night my dad asked her- "What do you say when you ride the horse?" (thinking she would say "Yeehaw, ride 'em horsey cow") nope...
Brigette: Thank you Papa!!
What a sweet and polite little girl!!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Butler Party

On Saturday night we went to Snow Flake and had a Christmas party with Zach's family. It was so much fun. Pretty much everyone was there, aunts, uncles, cousins. We had a blast. Brigette loved it. They had a gift exchange and she got this bakers set from Aunt Traci, she loves it, and has worn it pretty much everywhere since she got it. We played games, ate pizza, the kids hit a pinata, and took family pictures with hillbilly teeth. It was so funny, I wish I would've got a picture of Mark, he was the best! We had so much fun, we really need to do it more often!! Brigette showing off her present!
Opening presents!

Still all decked out, ready to bake!

Opening her present!

Butler Christmas Party!!

Brigette giving Jack some kisses
Loving Uncle Marcus and Jack

Trying to hit the pinata

Still trying to hit the pinata