A week or so ago we made Gingerbread houses, mini ones!!!

I put them together, then the kids decorated them.
Brigette did such a great job!!! Then she pestered me for ever to let her eat it!!

I told her not until I got a picture of her with it!!! After I took the picture, she bit the head off the GIANT snowman and ate the ledge off the roof, it has been sitting like that ever since!!!
What a goof!!!

My little Tera monster...

I have a Little People Nativity, its mine, but I let the kiddos play with it...

I set it up all nice and cute, then my little Tera gets to it, and it looks like
Godzilla blew through
Bethlehem. But how can you not let this little cutie play with it??!!

Jessica asked me yesterday how many times a day I set it up...

way too many...
that's so nice of you to let your kids play with your toys! smiley face!
I love your new header pic! So cute! I'm glad you let Brigette eat her house. I'm also glad she didn't eat it though! I threw the boys away the other day, MAson kept picking at them!
Ash, I am finally learning how to share my toys!!! Winking face...
Your girls are cute and I love your little nativity :)
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