Sunday, December 28, 2008

What happens at Jessica's...

Well we were having an awesome time at Jessica's, hanging out, hogging Hayden and Tanners Nintendo DS's. When Briggie announces that she has to go tinkle... No big deal, we do it everyday, all day long, so Ash takes her. Mason follows and Brigette goes tinkle. Ashley comes back before Brigette and Mason... I of course, don't pay attention, I'm playing Nintendo!!!! Brigette comes back, walking kinda funny. So I tell her come over so I can fix her cute little Minnie Mouse Panties! Well, come to find out, she didn't succeed in getting everything in the potty!!! So her panties are full of... you guessed it...SICK!!! So I grab her to take her to the bathroom to clean her up, and sitting on Jessica's coffee table is my delicious... Braq's RED cream soda, and Brigette...knocks it on the floor!! ARGH!!! RED SODA ON JESSICA'S WHITE'ish CARPET!!!!! So Jessica being my awesome big sister, cleans up the soda while I get to clean up my dirty kid!!! So I don't need to go into detail about how or why Brigette stuck her hands in her pants, or how some little turds got in Jessica's living room (and yes, how Jessica, picked them up, barehanded, before she knew what is was...)

Anyways, my long story ends with Brigette wearing these back to my parents house...
Awesome Brontosaurus undies, Thanks Mason!!!


Danielle said...

Moms-to-be really should be warned about how much contact there will be with POOP over the years. Ew.

And I had no idea you were in Williams! We should have stopped by! Darn it. Next time!!

Jessica said...

I'm so glad you didn't forget to mention me picking up the little whoppers of poo! Thanks!

Tawni said...

haha jessica picking up the poop was probably the funniest thing i witnessed that whole day. haha i'm still giggling. although if i was the one who did it, i'd probably be gagging instead.

Jessica said...

Why does everyone keep bringing up me picking up the poo?! Why can't we just forget about the whole thing!!!