Monday, May 4, 2009

Our Cleaning Lady

Yes, I admit, I need to watch her more closely. But she goes potty by herself all the time!! So I wasn't really paying too much attention to what was going on, I was watching The Office with Zach. Well, Briggie came out of the bathroom into the living room carrying a soaking wet bottle brush, when she gets excited she talks fast and is kinda hard to understand, well I understood, but started laughing to hard to tell Zach what she had been up to. Finally he figured it out and grabbed the camera while I dried the tears in my eyes from laughing so hard. Brigette had announced that:
"I cleaned the skid marks out of the potty"
Exact words...

water everywhere...

down one bottle brush...

it has now been tossed...
but my toilet is very clean!!!!!!


Jordan said...

Awww.. That is so precious! She is getting so big! Im glad you threw the bottle brush away! :)

Jessica said...

That is too funny! She can come clean my potty anytime!

Kay said...

That's funny! Shockingly that's never happened at our house... yet... Oh, the joys of being a parent!

Allen and Terri said...

That is such a hoot! she does the craziest things, just gotta love her!!!

O' Them Chastain's said...

I just had to tell you I laughed so hard on this one this was great! Thanks for sharing!