The older Tera gets, the crazier she becomes!!! I told a friend yesterday that I feel like I am raising a child that is Part Vampire/Part Monkey!!! She totally cracks us up all the time and keeps me on my toes!!! A couple weeks ago we went to my awesome friend Kristal's house. I was actually trying to help her get ready to move in!! When I went to check on Tera, I found her somewhat like this...
When I got there she was actually holding on with one hand and leaning as far back as she could, 8 second style...

(I'm pretty sure Emmaree was afraid she was going to fall on her!)
Beside teaching herself how to climb on the chairs then up onto the tables, or up the ladder to the bunk beds, or up the drawers or stairs, one of her other favorite things to do is bite, yes, bite. I think she is just getting back at Brigette for all the "wonderful" things Brigette does to her!!! Yesterday Brigette was crying that Tera bit her, sure enough, she did...

Just for the record, Brigette just came and told my mom to come look at Tera...
she was on top of the kitchen island drinking out of my moms cup...
She is WILD! and very impressive! haha
Oh my gosh! that bite looks horrible! Poor Briggie!
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