My little Tera Michelle!!! What can I say about this girl!!! She is sooo much fun!!! I love her little laugh, her smile, her two little teeth, how she growls and of course how she says mama!!! She loves this little horse, and loves it when I make it "buck"!! Maybe she will be my little rodeo queen!!!
Yes you have my permission to chew on those cheeks!!!
Of course my Briggie!! We LOVE living in Joseph City so close to family!!! Brigette loves riding her trike to Masons house, and is always willing to ride it back and forth if Jessica and I need to borrow something from each other!!! We recently have had to install a lock at the top of the front door to keep Brigette from sneaking out and riding to Aunt Gessa's!!!

Our good ole cowboy neighbor, Leroy, stopped me the other day as he was watching Brigette ride down the street and informed me, "this is why we live in Joseph City" I think he is right!!!

Our good ole cowboy neighbor, Leroy, stopped me the other day as he was watching Brigette ride down the street and informed me, "this is why we live in Joseph City" I think he is right!!!
Seriously! Dad's horses got out today, and I was chasing them with a baby on my hip. Ha ha! Good old Joe City.
Your girls are growing so fast. It's crazy! I'm glad you're living here so we can watch them grow!
I love it that they get to ride bikes to each others house! Its so fun and cute!
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